Sampling from Natural and Artificial Lakes
Sampling Rivers and Streams
Sampling from Wastewater
Sampling from Groundwater
Water Analysis
In today's world where water resources are rapidly depleted and the concept of "water problem" has emerged for future generations, determining usable water and preventing water pollution have become priority and important issues. For this reason, research has been concentrated on surface waters and especially in seas and inland waters. Whatever the purpose of use of water - drinking, using, recreation - whether it is suitable for our purpose or not is possible by thoroughly analyzing the level of pollution.
Wastewater Analysis
Today, management of water pollution is important to protect water resources and transfer sufficient and clean water to future generations.
Water consumption is inevitable in almost all industrial establishments. The need for water for process purposes and human consumption in industries is increasing day by day. Wastewater is generated as a result of the use of water for domestic or industrial purposes, and this wastewater is generally disposed of by discharge to the receiving environment (lake, river, stream, etc.) or to the sewer. Factors affecting water pollution in our country: They can be grouped as industrialization, urbanization, population growth, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Liquid wastes of industrial establishments directly or indirectly affect water pollution.